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CLAIRVOYANTS! – Illusztrálj könyvet!

If you are in love with graphic design for children, you cannot miss Dwie Siostry Pubishing from Poland. Besides publishing, they are also active in promoting new authors, organizing meetings with designers, workshops and events connected to graphic design.

Dwie Siostry (Eng. Two sisters) focuses on books and diferent publicities for children. From the beginning they select the best books and graphics from Poland and abroad with attention to their aesthetic and design quality. They have many years’ experiences in developing graphic design for the young audience; some of their works were nominated in the world’s books competitions, like the English version of “Maps” , which was nominated for the Kate Greenaway MEDAL this year.

This year they organize the first edition of the international competition for an illustrated children’s book project called JASNOWIDZE (CLAIRVOYANTS). Graphic designers, students and others can take part in the competition. Participants have to be at least 18 years old, there isn’t any other limitation. Till 15 December the project has to be delivered, and it has to include in a script or a storyboard of all of the book, three finished double spread pages and the cover.

Here you have all of the details and an entrance form in English.
