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Block stories

In the upcoming weeks, our task is to spend time in our homes in isolation. At the same time, it is important to pay more attention to each other and our environment. Perhaps we keep closer contact with our loved ones and the world than ever before...

Although Malcolm Fisher’s block stories were not inspired by the current virus situation, we still think of it as a relevant and nice illustration series that we wanted to share with you, too.

Which one do you like the most?

Story Block 1 – Eve the illustrator. Going to draw a few of these little scenes up and hopefully write a little story for each scene.
Story Block 2 – Nora plays the piano whilst her neighbour Frances enjoys a cigarette out of her window. She does this everyday to listen to Nora play. 

The “Story Block” series comes from the artist’s enthusiasm for Brutalist architecture. It depicts belonging to a community and the diversity of relationships. We can only see the stories of the characters displayed on the illustrations through the windows, which demonstrates the intimate and personal nature of the pictures vividly.

I used the window as a framework to record the brief moments of our days: love, loss, friendship, new beginnings

– adds Malcolm. 
Story Block 3 – Yasmina suffers from Agoraphobia and spends a lot of time watching the world out of the window. Though it’s difficult, Molly still loves her very much and supports her as much as she can.
Story Block 4 – Agnes loves all music, but if a Patti Smith songs comes on she stops what she is doing and dances like there is no tomorrow.
Story Block 5 – Martha and Molly have been meeting once a week for a catch up since they became friends at uni. Sometimes they chat, and sometimes they share good news… and sometimes they just sit in silence and relax. 
Story Block 6 – Reese loves to find time to sit in her favourite chair and read. It’s not just the book she enjoys, it’s the time she spends quiet, alone. A small bit of peace in her day. 
Story Block 7 – Edith has just moved in to her first apartment. Finally, it’s her choice what colour the walls are painted. Orange it is. 
Story Block 8 – It’s been two months since Hazel’s partner moved out and she’s never felt so free. Free to fill her apartment full of lovely plants. 
Story Block 9 – Anna used to train with her ex who was always more into plants than exercise. But since moving out, Anna has been opening up her home gym to her good friends Eve and Frances. Exercise is fun again.

To our greatest joy, the touching block stories have not come to an end yet: the creator plans to introduce new characters, which he would like to compile in the form of a zine or a book in the near future.

Go and follow Malcolm’s Instagram page.

Malcolm Fisher web | Malcolm Fisher Instagram

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