The Tatra trams are no strangers to us. They have been running and are running on the streets of Budapest, Szeged and Miskolc, for sure, but they also have a dominant role in the genre in the region. I will not dive deeper into the issue, as I have enough transportation-lover friends to stay away from their field of expertise as a layman. Although my personal favorites are Stuka and UV (and not because of patriotic bias, simply owing to aesthetic considerations), now that I gave a closer look to Tatra T3 and the Tatra T3 Coupé originating from the same (and subject to this article), well, the Czechs have nothing to complaint about either.

anna marešová designers, and within the studio, Anna Marešová and Tomáš Chludil responsible for designing the piece rethought the design of the old Tatra T3 and the old experience of transportation and interpreted it in a modern language. It’s a miracle.
The vehicle has its own image and merch offer off the cuff, and the ticket sales counter taken over from the T1 tram functions as a bar.
(and I would love to see something like this in Hungary inspired by UV)
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