HYPE’s editorial staff also went into home office mode. And although this form of life is not completely strange to us, we miss the usual office get-togethers (having coffee or lunch together) quite much. And what are we, editorial staff members doing at home, confined within four walls? We scribble, work out, water our flowers and listen to some music.
Now we asked the members of the staff the following question:
Do you have a go-to recipe that can be thrown together any time?

Spaghetti (if there is still some minced meat left in the stores), or perhaps broccoli casserole with cream and cheese. It’s best if baked in the oven until crispy on top.

I can recommend yeast-free home-made pizza from the bottom of the heart! We have just tried in the past days, and we immediately added it to our family menu. It’s simple and great, and everyone can add their preferred toppings: meat, cheese, vegetables or really anything.
Ingredients for the pizza dough:
50 decagram flour (fine or spelt)
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
3 tablespoons olive oil
3 dl lukewarm water

Grilled sandwich. I wouldn’t go into details, because its confidential, but liver pate cannot be left out for sure. And remember, if you “take the fat from the liver, your sandwich will go bitter.”

Milk + Muesli

I always have some couscous at home, because I can create endless meal variations with different veggies, spices, tuna, eggs or even by adding some dried fruit.

I would say something nutritious full of veggies, but I warmly recommend eggplant ragout with chickpeas, with lots of ginger, onions and Moroccan spices, which I love very much:
You sweat the chopped onion, add the garlic and ginger, then the eggplant and the Moroccan spice (I bought a pretty good one in Tiger earlier). You add some tomato puree and stock, boil it for 20 minutes and then you can add the chickpeas. I would eat it with couscous or bulgur, because these can also be made during the time the ragout is done, and if you have some fresh veggies, you can make a salad or add some yogurt to make it a true vitamin shot.

I would make some classic tiramisu for my colleague Máté, if he brought back my plastic containers. He didn’t. No tiramisu. Sorry Máté.

Unfortunately cooking and baking are not my strongest skills, but there is a simple orange cake that I learnt from a dearest friend of mine.
Ingredients: 1 big pack of sponge cake, 5-6 oranges, 8 spoons sugar, 4 eggs, 2 dl milk, 1 gelatin, 0.5 liter cream
Recipe: You mix the 4 eggs with the sugar, milk and the grated orange peel on low heat until it becomes a thick paste. After you turned down the heat, you add the gelatin (previously resolved in some water). Once the pulp has cooled down, you add the whipped cream. You place orange slices to the side of a cake form, then you add the cream, the sponge cake, then cream, sponge cake, and so on. Leave it in the fridge for a night, and there you go.
May it be about office get-togethers, voluntary quarantine or home office, we still bring you the coolest design content. Take care of yourselves and each other!

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