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Highlights of Hungary awards ceremony is on tonight

Highlights of Hungary celebrates the Hungarian heroes of our days at an unorthodox awards ceremony: the event will be broadcast online. Organizers are preparing with exciting shows, and the winners of the two main prizes will also be revealed, cashing in two million forints each.

In the spirit of creativity and initiation, we can follow the awards gala celebrating outstanding Hungarian achievements on a live stream between 8 and 9 PM CET. For the first time ever, the audience will get to see what happens behind the scenes, but there will be no shortage of live performances, either: in addition to the announcements of main and special awards, we can watch live performances delivered by Dzsúdló and the Carson Coma, Viki Lábas from the band Margaret Island and Márk Járai. The finale will be made memorable by pianist Áron Romhányi, István Pál “Szalonna” and Milán Szakonyi.

Carson Coma
Márk Járai
Viki Lábas
Áron Romhányi
István Pál „Szalonna”
Milán Szakonyi

Popular music video director Miki357 will be responsible for the visuals, who is also participating in the initiative as an ambassador.

You can follow the Hungarian awards ceremony on the event’s Facebook page.

Highlights of Hungary | Web | Facebook Instagram

Source: press release

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