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Petőfi anywhere

This year marks the sixth year celebrating the Hungarian Revolution of 1848 in one way or another. We cannot emphasize enough how excited we are for the re-start of hype and this March date is very important for us also because of the topic. The ideology of the revolution of 1848-49 has virtually become inseparable with our magazine, since this was the first topic for which we created our own piece.

E hős ifjuság vezére
Voltam e nagy tetteknél.
Egy ilyen nap vezérsége,
S díjazva van az élet…
Napoleon dicsősége,
Teveled sem cserélek!

Petőfi Sándor – 15-dik, március 1848.

I was the leader of this
Heroic youth for these great deeds.
Leading such a day,
And life is rewarded…
The hail of Napoleon,
I would not trade even with you!

Sándor Petőfi – 15th, March 1848

[unofficial translation]

We commemorate the heroes of the revolution with these lines and the video made for the 170th anniversary.

This year marks the sixth year celebrating the Hungarian Revolution of 1848 in one way or another. We cannot emphasize enough how excited we are for the re-start of hype and this March date is very important for us also because of the topic. The ideology of the revolution of 1848-49 has virtually become inseparable with our magazine, since this was the first topic for which we created our own piece.

E hős ifjuság vezére
Voltam e nagy tetteknél.
Egy ilyen nap vezérsége,
S díjazva van az élet…
Napoleon dicsősége,
Teveled sem cserélek!

Petőfi Sándor – 15-dik, március 1848.

I was the leader of this
Heroic youth for these great deeds.
Leading such a day,
And life is rewarded…
The hail of Napoleon,
I would not trade even with you!

Sándor Petőfi – 15th, March 1848

[unofficial translation]

We commemorate the heroes of the revolution with these lines and the video made for the 170th anniversary.

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