Canned versions of sandwich creams and various ready meals were not only popular products of socialism—their relevance to this day is unquestionable. Not only did they
Pancakes around the world | Around Pancake
Pancake is a universal dish—they are consumed in various forms all over the world, and everyone has a favorite made for their taste, possibly a top
Büfé #3 – Wafers
It’s only good if it’s crispy, but then it’s really good—the different salty and sweet wafers are a favorite of generations to this day. Although we
The triumph of Hungarian pasta—Nudli Pasta Canteen and Angéla Góg’s Laska project
In every Hungarian family, every home and every soul, there are Hungarian pasta dishes whose importance is simply unquestionable. We have been thinking of these dishes
Hospitality with heart and soul | The revamped Mandragóra Restaurant
The history of Budapest’s Mandragóra Restaurant goes back more than a decade. Initially, it operated as a clubhouse-like café, then turned into a fine-dining bistro restaurant,