We love zines because they are about freedom: there are no rules, no expectations, no need for expertise, just a good idea. They can be about
Buildings with cour d’honneur in Budapest
Young art historian Melinda Mártonffy started to investigate the history of tenement houses with cour d’honneur within the walls of Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design.
Stories from Eastern Europe | Natúr magazine
„The East deserves the hype” – something we like to say frequently, and we are always happy to see our statement proven right by new projects of
A book on Ukrainian trademarks | IST Publishing
IST Publishing is a tiny publisher in Kiev, giving life to books and publications each more beautiful than the other. The publisher offers volumes on art
Unusual conceptuality | Andrej & Andrej
Experimental visual language without unnecessary elements: the projects of Slovakian design studio Andrej & Andrej are made appealing and unique by raw and bold solutions, odd
V4PLUS | Our favorite Czech brands_07
We present you the star designer of the Czech, who has already designed for Belgian, Italian and French manufacturers. We will take a peak into our
V4PLUS | Our favorite Czech brands_05
We would never, not even in our wildest dreams thought that there will be a time when we will be raving about a TV tower in