Even though Kőbánya makes most people think of panel housing estates and old, abandoned factories first, this is one of the greenest districts of Budapest. It
Tagróbert farkas
Hungarian lands in Monocle magazine
In our series titled Indulj el! presented over the past few weeks, we raised the attention to the lands and specialities of Hungary. We were not the only
EAST COMPASS | Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia
It’s wondrous, exciting, and right in our neighborhood. Here come all the hidden marvels of Banská Štiavnica. Banská Štiavnica situated on the territory of today’s Slovakia
The foxes are coming to life | Clever Fox’s Tales
After three successful books and the cool interactive adaptation of BOOKR Kids, Róbert Farkas once again dreamt big during the lockdown and started to transform his