Talán már olyannyira életünk részévé vált a keresőóriás Google, hogy hajlamosak vagyunk elfeledni, hogy valóban ez a szolgáltatás indította el a vállalatot a piacon, és olyan kiegészítő termékek segítségével nőtt nagyra, mint a Gmail, Google Docs, vagy a Drive. Ezúttal a cikk a Gmail kapcsán született, ugyanis miközben megannyi Google termék egyszerűsödik, egyenlőre a Gmail-t elkerülte ennek a szele, ezért Srinath Srinivasarao indiai designer vette a bátorságot és elkészített egy brandbe sokkal jobban illeszkedő változatot. Nekem az első benyomásom az volt, hogy egyszerűen csak superfriendly. Mindenki megtekintheti itt.
Perhaps Google became a part of our lives that much that we tend to forget that the main service was searching for things all across this internetverse, and the simple execution of the the ideas rocketed the company to the top of the market, plus with the help of supplementary products (as Gmail, Google Docs, or Drive) grew large. This time the article deals with Gmail UI redesign, cause already many Google products simplified and Gmail didn’t keep up with that new line yet, so Srinath Srinivasarao Indian designer took the courage and made a much better fit Google branded version. Simply superfriendly. You just want to use it, and click and click. Everyone can check here.
Perhaps Google became a part of our lives that much that we tend to forget that the main service was searching for things all across this internetverse, and the simple execution of the the ideas rocketed the company to the top of the market, plus with the help of supplementary products (as Gmail, Google Docs, or Drive) grew large. This time the article deals with Gmail UI redesign, cause already many Google products simplified and Gmail didn’t keep up with that new line yet, so Srinath Srinivasarao Indian designer took the courage and made a much better fit Google branded version. Simply superfriendly. You just want to use it, and click and click. Everyone can check here.