HYPE’s editorial staff also went into home office mode. And although this form of life is not completely strange to us, we miss the usual office get-togethers (having coffee or lunch together) quite much. And what are we, editorial staff members doing at home, confined within four walls? We scribble, work out, water our flowers and listen to some music.
Now we asked the members of the staff the following question:
Do you have a daily routine or a piece of good advice that you’d like to share with the readers?

Cycling! It moves your body, you get some fresh air, and it’s the best transport alternative even during an outbreak like this.

Photography always lifts my spirit, so I try to catch that certain moment also during the quarantine… The beauty even in the difficult days. So I think I will load a long-reserved Kodak roll into my Praktica, expired in 2003.

I talk to my plants by all means, and cooking is a must every day, too. For me, cooking is the type of leisure that has an output and it can also be eaten. Mostly.

Locked up like this, we get the chance to solve things we didn’t have time in our everyday hustle and bustle, for example nailing the fallen picture frame back on the wall. Doing something yourself, renovating something, but if you are truly brave, you can venture down to the cellar, the garage or up to the attic and bring order to the chaos.

I am a big believer of the power of rituals! We must find the moments and activities we can think of as rituals even at home. For me, this is drinking and savoring my coffee in the morning, yoga, meditation, my tea in the evening, or talking to my friends over the phone (while I drink my afternoon coffee).

All in all, I can do many things now, for which I didn’t have time before. I created a great skincare routine with the help of some YouTube videos, which I try to incorporate into my mornings and evenings. I started a contemporary art course online, and I also dedicate more time to music. I take a break from work with cooking during the day, which I also enjoy very much.

I think of Hungarian designers a lot these days. Approximately 99% of my year revolves around them, and I know how hard this period must be for them. I purchase from these brands, if I can, or at least I scroll through Instagram and Facebook and give a LIKE, sending the message: “Don’t give up!”

Have lunch with your family if you can, I think this is the best part of the day.
May it be about office get-togethers, voluntary quarantine or home office, we still bring you the coolest design content. Take care of yourselves and each other!

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