We’ve been spending most of our days at home for weeks now. Spring is in full bloom outside, nature is waking up, and almost all our days are the same within the four walls. Unmade beds, dirty plates in piles… Where is the great happiness? Believe me, it’s there in every minute, you just have to find it. Marcell Puskás’ “Happiness” poster can help us detect it.
Now Marcell Puskás has created his Red Dot Award winning Happiness Diary in a freely downloadable poster format to help us experience the days spent in quarantine in the most positive way possible.

“Once a grand philosopher, Mick Jagger said: ” you can’t always get what you want.” Happiness? Joy? Instant satisfaction? Pure delusion. This poster won’t make you happy. Many of us try to pursue happiness, but do we ever archive it? After all, what does happiness really mean, and if it exists; how long does it last? Until the next goal? Up to a new relationship? Up until another 1000 of followers? Or ‘til the next iPhone? Are you happy now?” – writes Marcell on his Behance page.
The poster will let you track you mood and your feelings every day. Just like a good-old diary, Marcell Puskás’ creation is also based on regularity, because your can track yourself on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis. The poster contains unfinished sentences, true-or-false statements, positive-negative feelings and fields dedicated for doodling, too. In addition, it may help you identify and then modify problematic thinking patterns to achieve happiness by following the principles of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

The 50×70 cm poster can be downloaded for free and printed during the quarantine, too. It’s also user-friendly: as people will not rush to printing houses to procure a poster of this size, Marcell reedited and allocated it to four A4 sheets, so that anyone can print it with a simple printer and then glue it together at home.
P.S.: The artist felt unconditional happiness along the whole mood-calendar project.
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