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Highlights of Hungary 2020 | József Martinkó

József Martinkó, the editor-in-chief of Octogon magazine has taken a role in Highlights’ ambassador team for the fifth time this year.

József Martinkó considers it his responsibility to support young Hungarian up-and-coming designers, thus a few worthy designers are always included amongst his nominees. His personal preferences include literature and theater, too, and he also strives to bring health care initiatives into the spotlight, which are more important than ever this year in light of the coronavirus epidemic.

Highlights of Hungary’s slogan this year is „Hass, alkoss, gyarapíts!” (a line from Ferenc Kölcsey’s poem Huszt, unofficial translation: “Affect, create, enrich!”), in relation to which József highlighted: this trinity marks the essence of Highlights: we can affect, create or enrich without each other, individually, but the ideal nominee offers all three.

Photo: Géza Talabér

“I usually have 8-10 names for the first round of selection, and then I start switching and swapping. I think I have lagged behind in the music scene a bit, yet there must be many talents and innovations on this field, too. Folk music and classical music form a more closed segment of culture by default, so it is even more important that insiders share fresh and innovative achievements with the outer world, ambassadors and the general audience through Highlights!” – József Martinkó told us when asked whether there are any fields in which he would appreciate ideas recommended by the audience in particular.

In 2020, the Highlights team also invites the audience to participate in selecting the nominees. “What are the most excellent Hungarian achievements in 2020 in your opinion?” – they ask. You can help them find the most remarkable Hungarian projects on Facebook and via Instagram stories with the hashtag #hassalkossgyarapits and by tagging @highlights_of_hungary.

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