Richárd Farkas, the “Young Chef Talent of the Year” award-winning chef of Pajta bistro is the first Highlights of Hungary ambassador coming from the field of gastronomy.
For Richárd Farkas, the stories from Vas and Zala counties are of key importance: as a local patriot he primarily aims to present the prominent achievements of this region. As a result of Pajta‘s concept, Richárd often leaves the kitchen and meets many locals. While he is looking for local producers, every now and then he meets exciting and fascinating stories, and now he will try to present a few of them on this year’s Highlights of Hungary, too. Even though it’s not easy for him to leave his comfort zone, the world of gastronomy, he will strive to broaden his vision as much as possible: this is why he keeps checking Highlights’ Instagram account, where he’s looking for inspiration amongst the recommendations.
“In addition to being honored to participate, Highlights also allows me to learn, to grow. Working with new people, experts coming from such diverse fields is truly inspiring. And the fact that we can also help others with our activity is a great opportunity” – Richárd Farkas told us when asked why he took on the ambassadorship.
Highlights of Hungary’s slogan this year is „Hass, alkoss, gyarapíts!” (a line from Ferenc Kölcsey’s poem Huszt, unofficial translation: “Affect, create, enrich!”), in relation to which Richárd highlighted: there is a similar graffiti in the kitchen of Pajta. „Jót, s jól! Ebben áll a nagy titok!” (A line from Ferenc Kazinczy’s epigram, unofficial translation: “Do good and do it well. This is the big secret!”) – for him, Kazinczy Ferenc’s quote rhymes very much with the slogan of this year’s Highlights of Hungary. Cooking from good ingredients and serving according to our best knowledge: it is relying on this concept that will help us achieve better and better results. Hungarians are generally considered pessimistic, but perhaps Highlights can help us better realize all the value-creating and motivating stories that are at our feet.
In 2020, the Highlights team also invites the audience to participate in selecting the nominees. “What are the most excellent Hungarian achievements in 2020 in your opinion?” – they ask. You can help them find the most remarkable Hungarian projects on Facebook and via Instagram stories with the hashtag #hassalkossgyarapits and by tagging @highlights_of_hungary.
Pajta | Web | Facebook | Instagram
Highlights of Hungary | Web | Facebook | Instagram
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