Raw elements, the meeting of old and new spiced up with some industrial feeling: communication agency Czech Promotion moved into the rooms of Karlín Palace in Prague, with Czech architecture studio Kurz architekti in charge of designing their new interiors.
Communication agency Czech Promotion had to move from their previous base to the unreconstructed spaces of Karlín Palace in only three months. The short time limit influenced the processes of design, construction as well as the concept greatly. The end result is a simple and functional office space with notable aesthetics.

In the course of the renovation, the architects placed the emphasis on raw surfaces, thus the two most prominent elements of the interior include the original cast ceiling and the partition element formed out of paper tubes, which can also be used as storage area by the workers of the agency.
The majority of the office furnishing consists of antique items, combined with refurbished armchairs and the products of a local furniture manufacturer. Another iconic element of the space is a sophisticated oakwood table placed in the main meeting room.

Photos: Boysplaynice
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Source: Linka.News
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