Cipoe is right below the tip of toe of the Chewbacca guarding the connective of the H figure, and the disgraced Chinese cat-woman has been sitting next to it since Tuesday – sympathy is the pain. Perhaps only Rainbow girl could spice things up a little, or not, because chitty chitty bang bang, Mr. Om Let is pouring out from the third floor, and, well, the rooster regrets wasting that money very much. Windows are torn out, tear-rain is falling, everyone is out to go but in to stay at the same time, and so is there any palinka yet?The special characters of Daniel Labrosse take over the buildings of Budapest for an entire year here, on HYPEANDHYPER! Look at the picture, and try to find the little butterflies this time in “Dugattyús” house!
“I don’t have a personal connection to the “Dugattyús” house located at Margit körút 15. No friends or relatives of mine have lived there, so I’ve never been to it, still it is one of my favorite Bauhaus buildings in Budapest. I love this architectural style. The rhythm of the arches, shapes and terraces created with geometric regularity provides a good framework for my hand-drawn characters.
I give references to two Hungarian artists I like in this picture.Two figures pop up from the paintings of Máté Orr: a reptile and a rooster. The graffiti tagCipoecan be seen on the top of the building, somewhere in the middle. Both of them inspire me greatly, therefore I wanted to sneak them into this little cavalcade somehow” – told us Dani about his latest work.

Your task this time: zoom in on the screen and look for the little butterflies!
The “Dugattyús” house
The building built on the corner of Margit körút and Rómer Flóris street in 1937-38, also known as the “dugattyús” (piston) house owing to its round elevators, was designed by Béla Hofstätter and Ferenc Domány, the architect duo also designing the famous Dunapark at Pozsonyi út. The building with a reinforced concrete structure was originally built as the tenement house of the Pension Fund of Weiss Manfréd Works in the bottom of Rózsadomb, dedicated to the employees of the company, mainly middle management and top management. The house was equipped with every modern luxury of the era, however, we should not think of ostentatious extravaganza, but of the appropriate and tasteful use of quality materials and elaborated details.
To level out the differences in the plot, the apartments are located in the two vertical stems of the H floorplan designed by the designer duo (3-3 flats per each mezzanine floor, a smaller studio flat and two larger ones – the Ed.), and the connective part hides the representative aisle ways (the stairway), at the landings of which we can find a special round elevator (in their original condition, operable even today). The rubber flooring that was so in during the ‘30s can also be seen at certain places on the floors, although in some cases not in its full former glory. In addition, owing the skylight with Luxfer prisms and the giant windows, the staircases are infused with light in every part of the day, in which a beautiful view on Buda enfolds before our eyes as we move further up.
In our latest Budapest by Labrosse series, the special characters of Daniel Labrosse take over the buildings of Budapest for an entire year here, on HYPEANDHYPER! Come, take a look at the picture and play with us!
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