Ádám Miklósi is known for several projects built on technological innovation, including the Red Dot award-winning sleigh concept called Slē, or the smart heating unit titled Poizo, however, Ádám has already designed a mobile oxygen bar and a wireless medical diagnostic device, too, amongst others. This time, we present you his Avo project created along the principle of open design. Not only for those with experimental aspirations!
Avo is a floating avocado growing tool designed with the help of open design, providing a customized user experience and reducing the carbon footprint of the product.
But what are the advantages of the open design approach?
Open design is a new form of knowledge sharing, where the user is many times the creator and the manufacturer at the same time. An open design product is created by the user themselves, and so the end product is many times created based on the user’s needs in a customized manner. Open design plays a key role in sustainable development, which we owe to 3D printers and CNC milling machines that can be procured for less and less money and the FabLabs appearing at more and more places. The Distributed Design Market Platform is perhaps one of the most important initiatives following the principle of open design, which we have already written about.
How was Avo created exactly?
Anyone who have grown avocado before probably knows the toothpick method, when we hang the avocado seed with the help of four toothpicks on the top of a glass in a way that one third of the seed is in the water. This method has several disadvantages: after a while, the water will start to evaporate, and the avocado seed will dry out.
Therefore, one has to consider the following aspects primarily when designing the Avo tool:
1. it stays on the surface of the water, regardless of its current level
2. it can be used with all seeds of any possible sizes, it sinks into the water and keeps two-third of the seed above the water
3. it can be manufactured with a simple and quick method
The donut, or to be more accurate, torus-shaped Avo was created in consideration of these aspects and after multiple calculations concerning volume, weight and size. It is not only aesthetic, but outstanding in terms of function, and it can be manufactured fairly easily with the help of a 3D printer in the closest FabLab, or even in our homes. On top of it all, Avo is created by using a biodegradable PLA material.
Besides the reduction of carbon footprint, having it manufactured by as many people as possible and making it further develop through the feedback are also primary goals of open design products. This way, as we’ve come to know, Avo has been tested by several users already:
For me it is very motivating when I get feedback from the users who have made Avo. It’s good to see that many people have printed it even on the other side of the world and they use it. I’ve also come across tagged posts in social media. The essence of open design is co-creation, and so I am very happy when I receive ideas for development from users
– Ádám Miklósi told us.
Avocados are not only delicious, but also very good looking, so they can be the perfect decorations of your apartment or balcony. In addition, the avocado seed can be germinated very easily and quickly with the help of Avo.
If you would like to try Avo, you can also create it yourself easily: all documents necessary for production are accessible here. Have fun growing your avocados!
Photos: Kevin Campean
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