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Wall painting to save the gastronomic sector | Good Looking

Norbert Strukow’s mural calls attention to the difficult situation the hospitality industry faces on the wall of a Warsaw tenement house.

The epidemic is particularly hard on the gastronomic sector: the restaurants and bars are fighting for survival day after day. The Polish Good Looking studio decided to create a mural pro bono that could encourage Poles to support the local gastronomy. Under Jaworzyńska Street 7/9, the sign „Kurier Głodnego Warszawiaka”, that is „Courier of Hungry Varsovians” appeared on the wall of a tenement house outside Politechnika metro station, topped off by the illustrations of Polish graphic designer Norbert Strukow. The finished mural’s visual world resembles that of classified ads found in vintage newspapers.

Twelve important representatives of Warsaw’s gastronomic life took part in the project: Cafe MozaikaCasa di TuzzaGringo BarKręgliccyOchoÓsma KoloniaRelax cafeSoul FoodThe Cool CatThe Roots Coctail BarWARMUT and Wege Mikser.

Photos: Radek Nowik

Norbert Strukow | Facebook | Instagram | Behance
Good Looking | Web | Facebook | Instagram

Source: MADWhite

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