What prompts a designer to found her own studio? How bumpy is the road to success? Founder and designer of Komonka, Móni Kovács seeks answers to these questions, among others, with the participation of LumoConcept in the framework of the Open Studios program of this year’s Budapest Design Week.
When Móni Kovács decided to focus on handweaving at the textile design department of MOME, a lot of people were surprised. Because in those times weaving was considered an outdated craft, besides not being among the favourites at the university either. Nevertheless, she felt like passing on the heritage of traditional textile production in a modern contemporary form. She did it so successfully that KOMONKA Textile’s unique handmade products have made it to London and Paris, too.
KOMONKA’s textiles are perfectly suited for use by multiple generations. All of the yarns used are excellent quality base materials from Europe, which Móni processes in the spirit of slow design on her computer-controlled loom.
The designer has developed a manufacturing method whereby she does not have to buy base materials in large quantities. She always searches for a colour palette for a given design, consisting of yarns and threads of various thickness and quality. Should she not find a colour, she dyes it herself, and she may combine as many as 12 threads of various colours to end up with the right harmony.
Within the programme of Budapest Design Week, the audience may join an online roundtable discussion where Móni Kovács and the members of LumoConcept share their thoughts on the perspectives of founding a studio in our days.
Program type: ONLINE
Stay up-to-date about the programs of Budapest Design Week on the official website of the event series.
Photos: Balázs Mohai
KOMONKA | Web | Facebook | Instagram
LumoConcept | Web | Facebook | Instagram
BDW | Web | Facebook | Instagram
Source: BDW
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