Anyone can draw—we often hear this comment about an illustration. While everyone can draw, they can’t necessarily illustrate. Designing and practicing an illustrative world requires just
HIGHLIGHTS | Dullness is over!
Although the bitter wind sometimes strikes our faces, spring is approaching unstoppably. Our favorite colors emerge from grayness, so the shop windows and advertising surfaces of
HIGHLIGHTS | Resurgent past
In our previous selections, we had the opportunity to get to know the object design of the eighties, but for this week, we have selected more
HIGHLIGHTS | Living past
Living in the past is not exactly a positive trait, but living in the present while keeping the experiences of the past in mind opens up
HIGHLIGHTS | Supporting gadgets
Slowly, every segment of our lives is ruled by objects designed to protect our health: for a designer today, human-centered design is not only an important
HIGHLIGHTS | Back to Home
To be able to work efficiently, we primarily need a calm and balanced environment, an indispensable element of which is a good workstation. Providing the environment
HIGHLIGHTS | Board games
With Christmas around the corner, most of us have probably been into at least one toy store. Sometimes with a clear goal in our minds and
HIGHLIGHTS | Our digital addictions
Looking at the object dubbed “Cold Attraction” featured in our current round-up, the scenes of “2001: A Space Odyssey” considered a classic of the sci-fi genre keep flashing before our
HIGHLIGHTS | Carefree objects
The objects chosen for our daily work must (also) meet a strict set of criteria. We consider a laptop a long-term investment, which we don’t buy
HIGHLIGHTS | Healthy design
We prefer to surround ourselves with nice and practical objects in our everyday life, which we can also enjoy while using. This is no different in
Carbon dioxide could be put away in the ocean floor
The latest innovation of aquaculture startup Running Tide could open a new chapter in seaweed farming. No one has ever thought of sinking kelp infused with
HIGHLIGHTS | The magical circle
The circle is one of the most ancient symbols, a true jolly joker, something you simply can’t go wrong with: as one of the four basic
Hungarian designer cherished by Americans | Ilonka Kárász
Several million New Yorkers met her colorful graphics on the cover of one of the most famous magazines of the world, yet we still know practically
HIGHLIGHTS | summer camps
Colorful duffle bags and suitcases fill the trunk of the bus. The driver tries to stuff one last backpack into the flood of packages. After a
HIGHLIGHTS | Sacred design
sacred 1. dedicated or set apart for the service or worship of a deity 2. worthy of religious veneration 3. of or relating to religion : not secular or profane – says Merriam-Webster’s