A new centre for design and innovation called the Public Room was opened in Skopje. The space is very urban and innovative, and offers freedom, creativity, originality, and metaphorically is called “Berlin in Skopje”. This very new and contemporary space is expected to be the cradle of creative industries in the country and the region.
Because design is the main engine of this centre, it aims to permanently improve productivity among young creative minds to direct them to market objectives and link them with production companies from home and abroad.
“The creative potential in Macedonia is underused and not well articulated, which is proven by lots of analyses and research. What young creatives need is to have an open space in which they receive technical support in the development and placement of their idea, while their prototypes will be presented in the business circles”, said Velinovski Alexander, director of the Public Room.
Designers from every rank and profile: graphic, product, fashion, jewelry and so on, will be able to use the opportunities for the development of prototypes and sale of finished products. Within the centre there are several part functioning such as a master workshop, a conceptual store for young designers and brands, a children’s workshop, a space for meeting of the business community, a library, a gallery, but also a bar and a restaurant. In addition to these spaces, Public Room will organize Skopje Design Week 2015 at this location, and announces the formation of design incubator in 2016.
The interior is a masterful work of the Macedonia design company ‘We and Nature’ from Skopje. The initiative is supported by the Embassy of Kingdom of Netherlands and the Ministry of Culture.
Public Room is located in the downtown area, in the street 50th Division 22 in Skopje, and certainly will be the home to all creative people and representatives of the business community in Macedonia.