Annak kapcsán, hogy elérhetővé vált a 2024-es olimpiai pályázat arculati pályázatának közönségszavazása, mi is lehozzuk válogatásunkat. Elsőként persze magunk felé hajlik a kezünk, és házi grafikusunk,
Taggraphic design
A 21. század forradalmi újításai mellett vissza-visszatérnek a nem is olyan régmúlt felkapott termékei. A retrohullám persze nem új jelenség, és a divatvilág mellett életünk más
(English) TypoTok – Let's Talk about Typography!
A few weeks ago at the Academy of Art in Cracow (Poland) an event called TypoTok was organized to celebrate typography. It lasted only for one day
(English) Graphic Design in Practice!
During graphic design studies at art academies and universities the schedule is full of lectures, theory classes, like philosophy, history of art, modern art, and practical
(English) World without Violence
Poster is a way to express our disagree with violence, agressive and war. There are pages on Facebook as well as blogs, websites and competitions, where
(English) Icons for Charity
Dream Icons – what is it? The answer is simple: it’s a project of designed icons concentrated on one-topic dreams. We can buy all of them,
(English) Head up! Look at Windows around You!
It’s always very nice when common things and daily situations can inspire us and attract our attention. For Jose Guizar, a Mexican graphic designer, windows in
(English) Two Gold Medals for Poland!
The Society of Illustrators has published the 53 award winners and among them there are two works by Polish designer Bartosz Kosowski which won the gold
(English) The Voice of Posters in Public Spaces
Lenica, Tomaszewski, Świerzy, Pągowski and many other Polish surnames are already famous abroad. Their works, known as the Polish School of Posters, are recognizable and admired
(English) 25 Design Manifestos in One Publication
Take a look at this work made by Raquel Peixoto, a graphic designer from Porto, Portugal. This is a project of 25 design manifests of the
(English) Polish 2015 Calendar Collaboration
12 young Polish illustrators vs 12 months of the year! Simply admire this beautiful mix of illustrations in the new 2015 calendar. The designers have tried
(English) Technology-based Letters
FiDU Technology has been developed by Oskar Zieta and his studio Zieta Prozessdesign since 2003. In short, it is a new innovative method of creating 3D
(English) The Best CD Covers of 2014 in Poland
By the end of the year we do many submssions, so it’s a good time to take a look at a graphic design selection of the
(English) Send Your Wishes and Choose a Christmas Hero!
If you want to send Christmas wishes online to your friends or family, you can use a website created by Joy Intermedia Studio from Poland. Go
Mi villanyoz fel a tipográfia kapcsán?
Each and every typography nerd must have been in Cafe Metaforma in Cracov 21 November, where all the juros of the International Competition – Typeface Szymborska