Our northern neighbors have announced Národná cena za dizajn, that is the Slovak Design Award competition for the 17th time this year. The members of the international jury had to select the best projects out of almost 500 applications this year. Here are the ones that made it to the shortlist!
What is the Hungarian Design Award for us, it is the Národná cena za dizajn (NCD) for the Slovak, announced for the 17th time this year. The main difference between the two is that in the case of the Slovak competition, primarily design projects related to communication are competing against each other, and a jury consisting of international experts evaluate the projects submitted. The design contest of our northern neighbors – organized by the Slovak Design Center (Slovenské centrum dizajnu) and the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic – was established to showcase and promote the best design communication projects and thus to call the attention to the added value of design.
This year, Slovak designers could submit their works implemented in the past two years (2018 and 2019) in 11 categories. A record number of 469 applications were submitted this year, and the jury considered 277 projects worthy of exhibiting. These include the 51 shortlisted projects out of which the final winners will be selected. You can check out the shortlisted projects on NCD’s official website. Stay tuned for more: the winners will be announced in December. Here are this year’s shortlisted NCD contestants!
Animation and video category:
1. Honda E-Ball (Ové Pictures – Michaela Čopíková, Veronika Obertová; Animoline)
2. Na Peróne v New Yorku (Onomatopoje – Palko Matia)
Digital category:
1. „Podivuhodné dejiny umenia s profesorom škrečkom” that is „Professor Hamster and the fantastic history of arts” – interactive content at the exhibition of the Slovak National Gallery (Fuczik a Kakalík – Ondřej Horák, David Kalika; lab.SNG )
2. Uroboros Festival (Lenka Hámošová)
3. Čas-opis 1989 (Peter Gála, lab.SNG)
4. Dots (DevKid Studio – Ján Šicko)
Visual identity category:
1. Office of the Ombudsman (Andrej & Andrej – Andrej Barčák, Andrej Čanecký)
2. Edo-Kin redizajn (Pekne & Dobre – Martin Bajaník)
3. Chlieb Náš – artisan bakery (Sudo – Michaela Novosadová)
4. The Július Koller Society (Ľubica Segečová)
5. KC Diera do sveta – concert posters (Barbora Bohušová, Šimon Chovan)
Campaign category:
1. Živijó! (Pavlína Morháčová)
2. Fest Anča (Ivana Palečková)
3. YEME paper campaign (Pekne & Dobre – Martin Bajaník)
4. festival [fjúžn] (Matúš Hnát)
5. Flaam festival 2018 + 2019 (Andrej & Andrej – Andrej Barčák, Andrej Čanecký; Michal Chrastina)
Book and publication category:
1. The publications of KPTL publishing (Matúš Hnát)
2. „Prerušená pieseň” that is „Song interrupted” (Pavlína Morháčová)
3. „Bydlíme!” that is „We live!” (Pavol Bálik)
4. „Archívna správa o stave Vysokej školy výtvarných umení 1949 – 1989” that is „Archive report on the status of the College of Visual Arts 1949-1989” (Andrej & Andrej – Andrej Barčák, Andrej Čanecký, David Kalata)
5. Čierne diery – Čierne diery: The publications „Technické pamiatky a zabudnuté miesta Slovenska”, „Stratená Bratislava”, „Železničné vodojemy Slovenska” that is „Slovakia’s forgotten spots and industrial monuments”, „Forgotten Bratislava”, and „Railway reservoirs in Slovakia” (Michal Tornyai)
New horizons category:
1. Critical Daily – kritická prax v grafickom dizajne that is the critical practice of graphic design (Katarína Balážiková)
2. BRUT.TO (Zuzana Kutašová)
3. Nasuti — festival umenia a udržateľnosti that is festival or arts and sustainability (Branislav Matis, Ivan Galdík)
Packaging and product category:
1. Juniperus borovička (Pergamen – Juraj Demovič, Lörinczová Lívia)
2. Fuelit (Pekne & Dobre – Martin Bajaník)
3. Modrá púpava cosmetics (Ivana Palečková)
4. Noa! cotton handkerchiefs (Katarína Hutníková)
Font category:
1. Manual (Ondrej Jób)
2. Diery typeface (Michal Tornyai)
3. School typeface (Ján Filípek, Martina Rozinajová)
4. Skeleton Type One (Filip Paldia, Samuel Čarnoký)
Poster and visual appearance category:
1. „Stop predaju zbraní” that is „Stop Arms Trade” – 20X20 Poster For Peace (Neurografismos – Veronika Barrera, Eduardo Barrera Arambarri)
2. „Archívna správa o stave Vysokej školy výtvarných umení 1949 – 1989” that is„Archive report on the status of the College of Visual Arts 1949-1989” (Andrej & Andrej – Andrej Barčák, Andrej Čanecký; David Kalata)
3. Singularch (Matúš Hnát)
4. „Odvaha a risk. Století designu v UPM” that is „Courage and risk. A hundred years in the Museum of Applied Arts” (Deep Throat Studio – Jozef Ondrík, Matúš Buranovský)
Space category:
1. Livre Paris 2019. Slovak stand at the Paris International Book Fair (Ateliér Choma – Pavel Choma, Martin Kubina, Ové Pictures – Michaela Čopíková, Veronika Obertová)
2. Antimúzeum JK (Branislav Matis)
3. Miloš Alexander Bazovský’s retrospective exhibition in Trenčín (Marcel Benčík)
4. Grape gate (Martin Skoček, Pavol Dobšinský)
Student category:
1. Fight Flight Freeze (Terézia Denková)
2. Znakověda – Czech sign language, online education material (Silvia Klúčovská)
3. The Script Hunter newspaper (Dominika Valentovičová)
4. ORB – physical interactions in the digital environment (Roman Mackovič)
5. Slavic creatures (Diana Hlaváčová)
6. Czemoji. Czech emoticons (Soňa Juríková)
7. Anxieta (Ján Šandala)
Jury: Boris Meluš (SK), Marlies Wirth (AT), Rastislav Uličný (SK), Adéla Svobodová (CZ), Jacek Mrowczyk (PL)
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