Dutch Sven Benjamins has been a photographer for twenty-three years. He has worked on every possible field of the profession, but gastronomy remains the area he is the most fond of. He mainly creates cookbooks, and as a result, meets many remarkable chefs. This is how the work together becomes a truly high-end product.
His compositions are exciting and bold. A cavalcade of colors and contrasts, without being self-centered at all. His seemingly simple images are made with the latest Phase One camera set (but then again the camera does not make the photographer –the author), allowing him to present the largest tone range to us, viewers. But of course what’s cutting-edge technology worth if the food cannot fulfil its mission. So, I’m sitting here in a café at Pozsonyi út, and I think about what and where I should eat for breakfast. It is a dangerous thing, our profession.
Written by: photographer László Sebestyén
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